1. Equipping Leader to protect and restore those affected by the epidemic of bullying.
  2. Bullying, Cyberbullying and Suicide what every parent needs to know.
  3. Knott Defenseless- a hands on workshop covered in 1/2 day or 1 full day. We also offer locally 2 1/2 hr classes over a 2-3 week period. The Bullied Broken Redeemed team works with parents in one class alone for one night. Remaining classes are for students on how to combat and be prepared to face bullying. (This program is expanding from martial arts to boxing hopefully by fall and will be available across the country not just locally).
  4. Homeschooling as a tool to help your child heal from bullying or anxiety. Geography alone will not fix it. But with the right tools, support and expectations your will not only heal but thrive.
  5. Public School to Homeschool for those who never thought they would. How to make your new journey a success.
  6. Homeschool leaders guide to navigating the epidemic of bullying in today’s society.
  7. Understanding the epidemic of bullying in today’s youth.
  8. Understanding Cyberbullying and video game bullying. What your kids are really dealing with online.
  9. Bullying and PTSD the trauma is real. (This class is taught as information and from a life coaching perspective NOT counseling or therapy)
  10. Bullying and the path to begin healing. ( This class is taught as information and from a life coaching perspective NOT group counseling or therapy)
  11. Types of Bullying Effecting our kids in today’s culture. A in-depth look at what our kids are really dealing with. This class is to help you understand the depths and know how to open a conversation with your child. It’s more than just mean words and pushing. From Food Bullying, Body Shaming, Gaming, Happy Slapping, Posing, and Flaming to name a few
  12. So you think your child might be a Bully? Worried your child might be bullying their peers and siblings? How to help your child understand the negative impact they are making and tools to help them change in a positive direction.
  13. Recognizing and Managing the effects of bullying, depression and anxiety.
  14. Write your Story- How to take the trauma you have experience and turn in into a beautiful story to heal your healing journey.




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